Friday 23 March 2012


Have you ever wondered why the Tortoise has a rough shell? Well, if you haven’t, here is the story.

Once upon a time in the animal kingdom, god invited all the genres of the animal kingdom to a feast in heaven. There were the Amphibians, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles and any other existing animals. Animals with wings had no problem flying to heaven so they had to lend some of their wings to other animals. Unfortunately, the Tortoise was going but was too slow to get some feathers when others were getting their so, he had to beg because he was late.

‘Please little Sparrow, could you borrow me just one of your principle feathers?’ he pleased. The little Sparrow had no choice but to lend him because she saw how humble he is.

‘Please, my dear Pigeon, could you have mercy on your fellow animal and borrow me a feather?’ the Pigeon felt sorry for him and gave some to him.

To the Eagle he went. ‘If you could only borrow me one of your feathers I will be very grateful.’ The Eagle did same.

‘Dear Owl, how lovely you look, could you please borrow me some feathers so I can fly to the feast prepared for US?’ he actually stressed the ‘us’, looking so dejected and pitiful, Owl gave him some.

He went on and on to every bird in the animal kingdom and he was fortunate to get as many as he could, enough to take to Heaven. 

When they got there, they assembled in the banquet hall and the celebration began. They all made an introduction but the Tortoise did not say he’s Tortoise, he said his name was ‘Everyone’. 

When it was time for the refreshment, the Tortoise reminded them he was ‘Everyone’. Well, so he was known to be in the feast. 

At the time the food and drinks were been served, the Chief Waiter will say ‘it’s for everyone’, meaning there is no exception. The waiters and waitress will take the food and drinks to ‘Everyone’, Tortoise, other animals watched, astonishment at what was going on.

When it was time for the gift presentation, it was said by the Chief Distributor that the gifts are meant for everyone, the ushers then accordingly took the gifts to ‘Everyone’.

When other animals objected to this, the Tortoise said ‘I am Everyone, they are meant for me,’ he argued this and claimed all the gifts without regards to any one else. ‘Well,’ they said, ‘the gifts are for Everyone and the Master has said so, what do we do, challenge the Master?’ The animals did what they had to do, just watch. When the Master heard of what was going on he was very upset and had to explain to the servants what   meant when he said ‘everybody’.

The Tortoise did not find it funny when others learnt of his ravenousness. They all left the feast in annoyance and the birds took their feathers with them.

What else will the Tortoise do? As they were living, he pleaded with them to place mattresses and soft materials of all kind for him to fall on when he’s falling since he has no feather to fly.

Well, they came back to earth with nothing to show that they went to heaven for a feast, nothing. Some were ashamed to tell others who were not at the feast that they were there.

They actually remembered what the Tortoise had asked them to do for him when they get to Earth, this they did but instead of mattresses and soft materials, they placed stones, bottles, sharp objects and cutting objects, waiting for him to fall.

After some times in heaven, the Tortoise thought that those soft things most have been kept for him because they agreed on the day they will be ready for him. ‘Yes, am going home to enjoy my new wealth and respect for being Everyone,’ he thought to himself.

He got prepared to fall, ‘Am going to fly without wings!’ he said to himself. DAWN, he went.

He fell to Earth with great impact on his back, you can imagine what that meant on objects such as the ones kept for him. That indeed was enough to crack his back.

Lesson: When you are climbing up the lather of success, the same people you meet on you way up are the same kind of people you will meet on your way dawn, if you ever come down.  Don’t be greedy.

 I remember been told this story as a child, it’s funny, I do not remember who exactly told me the story but I remember the story so well.

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